Singing Guide: Brian Petak

Singing Guide: Brian Petak

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Brian Petak is a unique singer with a very distinctive voice. To sing like Brian, one must learn how to control their voice tones and inflection. He creates unusual sounds and wavy chords, sometimes taking his melody in unpredictable directions.

Brian Petak's style of melody is most notable in his rendition of ‘Best Part Of Letting Go’ with 'Ean Ellison'. This song showcases his technique of bending notes and creating unique melodies with sustained moments. He has a deep and soulful voice which resonates with emotion. If you wish to sing like him, here are some practical advice and Singing Carrots resources that will be helpful:

  1. Practice breathing techniques to support the notes you will be singing. You can find exercises for this at breath support and breathing basics.

  2. Try to understand and identify your vocal registers. Vocal registers and the vocal break explain why you can or cannot reach certain notes in your range.

  3. Work on developing your chest resonance. In this video, you can check his chest voice explained.

  4. Learn major and minor scales and use them to warm up your voice. The pitch training game is a great resource for this and it allows you to track your progress.

  5. Focus on developing your pitch accuracy. The pitch accuracy test is a helpful resource. Singing out of pitch and avoiding constrictions are two Singing Carrots articles to get started.

  6. Work on your articulation to be able to sing clearly. Singing in Twang and Finger Bite exercise are two examples.

  7. Train your ears to recognize the notes you are singing and how to achieve them. You can improve this with the Ear training game - Pitch monitor.

  8. Finally, learn what your voice is capable of with the Singer's range test. Then, search for songs within your range with our song search tool. The artists page will help you find famous singers that make use of similar vocal techniques.

If you follow these tips and use the Singing Carrots resources provided, you'll be on your way to singing like Brian Petak in no time. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.